View Full Version : Be sure to report any "bad" posts....

12-29-2015, 10:53 AM
Hi guys. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

For about the last two years I have been manually approving new sign-ups to the forum. This was the best defense in keeping spam-bots from getting on the forum (yes...unfortunately they really do exist).

The problem with this is if I get caught up with my real job it has taken me as long as a week to get someone approved.

It appears that the spammers have taken note that they won't likely get on so starting today I am reinstating the auto approval system.

If by chance they do get back on I would appreciate your help in letting me know about it. If you see an inappropriate post, on the top right of the thread there is a report-this-post button. It is an exclamation point inside a red triangle. Just hit that to let me know about the post.

Thank you all for your continuing contributions to our hobby and be sure to frequent our site supporters for keeping our site alive! I hope everyone has a great 2016!!!