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lilstone87 02-15-2010 10:10 PM

Baja MB165 Rear Sprocket
Well im looking for a smaller rear sprocket for my baja mini bike, Im pretty sure the stock one is like 50t, im looking for one around 40t, so i can pick up alittle speed for my bike. So i was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere that sells sprockets for these kind of bikes?

SYCARMS 02-15-2010 10:54 PM

Check out Tractor Supply or any other tractor dealer. I know tractor supply has an assortment of sprockets. That looks like a common sprocket used on farm equiptment. TOM

lilstone87 02-15-2010 11:33 PM

Well im looking for around a 40t rear sprocket for my bike, i looked at tractor supply, and they only go up to 36t then to like 48t, and the 36t one they only sell in stores, which i live no where near one of there stores.

SYCARMS 02-15-2010 11:50 PM

Where are you located

lilstone87 02-15-2010 11:58 PM

Well i just found this sprocket on another site it says 40 chain, and has 40t. Im wondering can i just drill the holes myself, and use this on my bike? Btw im from portsmouth, va.

SYCARMS 02-16-2010 12:40 AM

Can you remove the keyed collet lock off your current sprocket? If not any farm supply would have collets.From what I see on the Baja site it has a keyed collet but I cannot determine if it is removable or one piece. But yes you can drill it yourself just use the current sprocket as a template by clamping the two together and using it to guide your holes. From what I have seen on you tube those seem like neat bikes. TOM

lilstone87 02-16-2010 12:46 AM

Yes they are very nice bikes to have, to ride around on. I use mine most at racing events, and etc. But they are good for many things like trail riding. One last question, I see they have sprockets for 40, and 41inch chains, does it matter which one i get? or will i just have to shorten the chain alittle if anything?

SYCARMS 02-16-2010 12:53 AM

Not sure what you mean by 40 and 41 inch chain the 40 and 41 may refer to the pitch of the sprocket. You will have to remove links when going to a smaller sprocker. You will also need a chain breaker which you should be able to get at the same place as the sprocker.

lilstone87 02-16-2010 01:08 AM

Well the mini bike has a #41/420 chain, and they have 40inch, and 41inch sprockets to pick between. But the 41inch chain section only has a select few available to order. So i was wondering would it matter if i ordered a 40inch chain sprocket?

SYCARMS 02-16-2010 09:36 AM

Being that your chain is a #41/420 I would stick with the 41. The 40 probably has a different pitch to where your chain would not run in the sprocket correctly.

BuggyMaster 02-16-2010 06:24 PM

a lot of times they refer to 40/41 in the same sentence as if they are close enough. It does have to do with the pitch. I have never done a swap like this so I can't really say for a fact how you should go. Typically that stuff is pretty cheap though.

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