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Old 09-07-2010, 03:42 AM
pfcperry17 pfcperry17 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 8
Talking Some advice wanted from the experts

I am looking at getting a Baja Reaction (i guess thats the model) 150 from someone in modesto. It needs a new piston and rings and who know WHAT else...

Anyway, If I get it, I read somewhere that the top speed for it is around 40mph. I am 230lbs and will be driving alone, so I'd expect the speed to be around the 30-35 mark. What can I do to get more speed out of it if I get it?

I'd like to go trail riding with my dad and brother in their Jeeps, but I want my own vehicle. I HAVE a Honda CRX, but I don't think it will do to well in mud and narrow trails.....

The seller want $500 for it.....I guess that's a good price for it but I'll offer $350 and see what happens. I love to go mudding with the Jeeps and Chevys around here but I want something I can drive and still have more fun. They go 10mph while I fly by straight into a mud puddle at 40.....Later finding mud in my crack. BTW, I cannot figure out HOW it gets there when my shirt, pants & interior of the vehicle isn't muddy?

So in summary of my post....How do I get higher speed? Sorry for a long post. I'm bored and tired....