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Old 05-08-2011, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Bootboy1488 View Post
The endless miles I've walked in full kit and jumping out of planes has wrecked my back. ANYTHING to better this buggy would be great.
finding a better seat will be real tough. most of the decent seats are for automotive dimensions so are too large to fit a buggy chassis. The ones that do fit are not much better than what you have.
Being an army brat myself, I know the brag area well. we used to sneak on to the firing ranges to ride dirt bikes. YEA, Not smart but we were young and dumb... it was fun to out run the jeep patrol. Those MPs had absolutely no sense of humor!
The terrain around Brag has very loose sandy soil. you will need to set up for low end torque. GX150 runs sand so he can give you a good set up. SYCARMS can supply you with the components you need. I'm about an hour or so north of you (Orange county). We set up for hard pack clay (high end horsepower) so I can't help you much there.
But I can help with the back problems! ! I suffer from different causes but same effects! Here's some tips I found that make a huge difference
Install a good 5-point seat belt system. The belts will hold you firmly down in the seat reducing the bouncing around that sends jolts and shocks up the spine. The belts are uncomfortable at first After getting them properly adjusted and getting used to them your butt and back will thank you!
Use a neck/collar brace. It's a donut that slips around your neck between your helmet and shoulders. the collar helps support the helmet. You would be amazed at how much back and neck energy is used to keep that heavy helmet up while being tossed around.
You'll probably still ache like a bitch at the end of the day but not near as bad. Your endurance and comfort levels are tremendously increased not to mention the safety factor these additions give.
Air down the tires. This gives a little extra cushion and will help in the soft sand as well. I air up to reduce sidewall flex on the track but air down for comfort while casual riding.