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Old 09-14-2009, 11:14 PM
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BuggyMaster BuggyMaster is offline

Join Date: Jul 2009
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Check your cable adjustment at the back. The baja's are a little funny in how they work. It uses a spring loaded setup to align itself. If you look at the cabling in the back, you will see that you can move the cable inward or outward (or left and right depending on how you look at it).

Dang I just can't remember which way to take it! At any rate, what you do is loosen up the cable lock nuts and move it one way a few threads in or out and lock it down. What you are actually doing is centering it's drive gear (or not...depending on which way you adjust it). If the problem gets better, roll with it and see how it does. If it gets worse, take it the other direction until you cure it out.