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Old 01-17-2012, 07:31 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Penciltucky
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New meat at $31 for the pair on alloy rims??? Nice!
As far as front width goes, I'm way out there at 53" but i get through the trees better than before because of how tight i can cut it. Going that wide pretty much eliminated any roll over issues, with the exception of something drastic like sliding sideways into a rut at 20 or more. I think your idea of splitting it may be the one you want, you'll gain some track width but keep the fabrication down to just frame attachment and steering. Getting the atv arms on the shark has been pretty difficult even with the mount tabs welded to angle iron stock. The uppers are kind of welded to thin air and the shock mounts need a hot air balloon to attach to.