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Old 10-26-2009, 07:43 PM
gblbks gblbks is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3

I finally tested this with a brand new spark plug and there is good spark. I expected there to be no spark at all but was surprised to have a strong spark when cranking the engine over after it dies. With this test - driving up a slight grade and then turning around and going about 50 feet or so at full throttle and then jamming on the brakes - I paid close attention to engine RPMs and what happens is the RPMs sometimes slow way, way down. Sometimes the engine will recover and idle up to normal speed and sometimes it will stall out. This seems different then how it has stalled out before (like on a level gravel road at full throttle). Perhaps there are two separate problems going on because this sounds more like a fuel delivery problem. I talked to ASW last week and one of the reps suggested maybe it was a low oil shutdown. I had no idea these had a low oil shutdown and can't find anything in either the printed or online manuals (like the small breather pipe/tube coming off the exhaust - nothing in the parts manuals on that either). Just to see what would happen, I put the rear wheels on car ramps to sort of simulate the same amount of incline as the grade I was having this stall on - I figured if there was a low oil shutdown switch maybe I could get this to stall that way - but it never stalled. So I am back to this - if it dies and there is still spark - and it won't fire until I toggle the key switch then is being reset? thanks for the help.