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Old 10-07-2012, 04:09 PM
Rechtien Rechtien is offline

Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 12

Success, failure, success, and ultimately failure.

My ignition coil arrived finally. Have to make sure if I buy parts off ebay I order from US sellers rather than China. Installed the ignition coil and finally spark at the plug. Buttoned everything back together and still wouldn't start right away although you could tell it wanted to. Some sprays of carb cleaner and it lit. It ran like junk and I couldnt keep it running for long. Wasnt really sure what was going on. I had not checked the valves or timing so thought now was as good a time as any to give them a look. After watching the video I tried to check my timing, but my flywheel and cam chain didnt line up like the video. I sort of chalked that up to chinese tolerance, lined up the holes on the cam sprocket, and adjusted the valves to .004. Buttoned everything up and she started again but still ran like crap. I left her to idle for a few and she started kicking out smoke from the tail pipe. Eventually it died and would not restart. I took a look at the plug and it was soaked in gas and black. Running very rich.

I decided the carb must be to blame. I removed it and went to clean it. This was the one I bought second hand from the dealer parts bin and assumed it was clean. Went to take off the bolts and rather than screws it has a fastener with a flat top that does not screw out. I looked at it puzzled for a bit and decided to use the old one. The old one was very dirty so I completely disassembled it. Now kids, try this at home at your own risk. I took the hose to it. It was full of dirt and grime from sitting outside. I had cleaned it with carb cleaner once but that didnt get everything. Out comes the hose. When I got done I blew it out with my complressor and went to work with the carb cleaner. Everything back together, onto the buggy, open the drain screw and turned the key. Wouldnt you know it started right up and idled great. Gave it some gas and it really wanted to go.

Now I am excited. I get my throttle cable and start to put it on. Turns out it is about an inch to short. It works, but installed correctly it opens the carb enough to move the buggy which is no good. I turned around the cable bracket on the carb upside down and re-installed and it worked fine. Started the buggy, tried out the pedal and it worked great. Pull it out of the garage and it died. Tried to restart without luck. Checked the plug and no spark. Back to where I started. After tracing some wires my red/black wire has no voltage while cranking. Now I assume my stator did kick it. Not sure which one to order so Getting a flywheel puller and will get the flywheel off and check it out.