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Old 11-04-2012, 05:13 PM
Rechtien Rechtien is offline

Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 12

Been a while since my last update.

So my seats came in and I was excited. Got my rails mounted and went to put in the passenger seat and discovered the mounting points for the rails were off. This left me with two options, either moving the mounts or swapping the seat materials from the new seats to the old frames. I went with the second option. I thought about welding on new mounts but I assumed the chinese materials were not fire safe. I would have had to strip the seats to weld new mounts si I decided to swap to the old frames.

It took longer than I thought it would but it was a learning experience as I had never done upholstery work before. About 6 hours later (mostly on the first seat, second went much faster) I have my seats back in the buggy looking brand new. After some cleaning of the stator I got the buggy running again only to have it die on our first real drive. Turns out the red/black wire from the stator to the CDI was not in good shape and was working loose. Fixed now.

One issue it has left is smoke/oil. The vent hose from the valve cover is blowing smoke and oil when the engine runs. This gets oil onto the exhaust which makes more smoke. It isnt terrible, but certainly not normal or healthy.

So with that buggy sort of sorted I went to work on the dazon. For the seats, new seat is not an option as the cheapest I can find is in the $300 range. It isnt terrible, but has some sun baked areas. I decided to try cheap and easy first. Picked up some leather/vinyl cleaner and conditioner and went to work. Then a can of vinyl/leather paint from autzone which matched perfectly and some tape. It didnt come out brand new, but it certainly looks 110% better. Total was about $20 and an hour or so.

Next went to work on the electrics. I put in the ignition stuff I bought from ebay but didnt get spark. Today I got it all back together and give it a look. I didnt really do anything different and didnt expect much but today I had spark. I dont have a gas tank yet for this as the old is dirty. I used some carb cleaner and it fired for a few seconds. Next project is a gas tank cleaning.

Ill get some updates when I get more progress to include pics of the seats and such.