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Old 12-22-2012, 09:44 PM
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Johnny 5 Johnny 5 is offline

Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: so cal
Posts: 325

I bought 2 orange performance cdi from scrappy dog scooter for 20 bucks each. My red buggy runs good with it. After installing it I had to turn the idle down and went from a 120 main to a 122 main. The engine is a 58.5 srp higher compression kit with a mild port job done by myself. On my wifes blue dune 150 it ran better with the stock cdi. The advance in the timming will help on take off and low end . I think it is worth , I did back to back runs from stock cdi to performance and could feel a gain in take off on the red buggy.
The variator in the red buggy is a dr2 with 8/9gram rollers.
The blue buggy had a doctor pulley variator with 10gram sliders, this may have something to do with the reason why the blue buggy ran better with the stock cdi.
Also the pick up sensor on the magneto could be more advanced than the red bugggy engine causing it to have enough advance allready.
Our last trip I had to put the orange cdi in the blue buggy because it would cut out at 7200rpms. We keep some spare parts with us on the trail and I was glad that I had the orange cdi in the back pack. We were about 5 miles from camp.
So if you get a perf cdi you can keep the stock one for back up.