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Old 02-20-2013, 11:44 AM
Breakhard Breakhard is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: South of the Red River but North of the Pecos
Posts: 32

Masterbates.....duh, I thought about your reply after you graciously responded, but then didn't do anything about removing the vacuum lines coming from the petcock as I had already removed the fuel line. Well, during the night I kept waking up to the smell of gasoline (our bedroom is adjacent to the garage) but didn't get up to see what was causing it. This morning when I got up I found gas on the garage floor, the rag I had set down just in case to be soaked and gas was still flowing out of the carburetors air intake. After unhooking the vacuum lines and plugging off the one attached to the petcock, miraculously, the gasoline stopped coming out of the air intake. I guess I should have read more into your note than what I did. May I suggest next time you respond to me you start off by whacking me with a 2x4 or something stronger. Gasoline on a garage floor with a hot water tank not 10 feet away does not make for a good marriage. I may have to sleep in the garage tonight. Did you see xlint89's suggestion about going with a regular/non vacuum operated petcock. Too new to all this to know what's best (and cheapest) but it does sound like a good idea. Breakhard.