Thread: Oil Cooler
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Old 03-21-2013, 06:40 PM
rich1 rich1 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by ckau View Post
Actually.. this "idea" originated long before Vans Dazon. This system has been in use by many different brands and makes of buggys and ATVs for many years. All of which have in common the gy6.
This "idea" is not mine. My only intent in this post was to show how this one particular setup worked in order to help those who are considering a oil cooling system.
There are motors that can be purchased with this system included and there are bare cases with the ports available too. The only difference between mine and theirs is the fitting port size. The china versions are tapped metric, 8 x 1.25. Mine is tapped for standard AN fittings, 7/16 X 18. Very few suppliers stock the metrics. Most all are a special order off the slow boat from china. Any performance supplier in the US carry's AN fittings. So it's obvious why I chose to machine my own.
I take it from your statement: "Being a fully pressurized system there was not any problems noted then or since it was done 2 yrs ago", you have reversed your original argument? Insisting that "pressurized systems Don't work ! "
Dont get it twisted ..I never said they dont work ...I said that they have to have a feed (pressure ) and return (residual pressure) lines. There also has to be a restriction present in the system to prevent drainback . That can be in the lines ,the cooler tubing, or a restriction block.
The no problems iwas talking about was the higher mounting of the cooler !
All youre pics ,drawings , ect are based on the notion that you THINK it will work . I understand that to you its just an experiment and if it fails it will be treated as such . However, I do think its mis-leading to just show an un-tested model to others .

Last edited by rich1; 03-22-2013 at 09:25 AM.