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Old 09-26-2013, 08:03 AM is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 61

So, I just checked my plug and it was black. Which indicates a rich condition after running it with the UNI...what???

Also just adjusted the chain slack, it was over an 1". It quieted things down a lot.

Also want to adjust the idle. i feel like it was idling kind of high. The engine seems to run great, but it wants to move on its own, so I adjusted the idle down using the idle screw. How low should I go? Is there such thing as too low an idle as long as its running and going ok? I know with the sportster I was running, you couldn't run the idle too low or the oil wouldn't circulate properly. Are there any ill effects to having a low idle on a GY6?

Would running the kart for a minute or two at a time with a high idle in my garage help account for the rich looking plug i checked?

Last edited by; 09-26-2013 at 08:52 AM.