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Old 10-24-2013, 08:42 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Senatobia, Mississippi
Posts: 3,375

It all depends on how you define expensive. I define it this way. My son's identical buggy needed 3 struts replaced as well as the bushings on the control arms. We also have replaced both front and rear shocks and rear axle and hubs. My struts are in great shape, my bushings are a bit worn after 9 years, axle and hubs never replaced. When you figure a front strut goes for around 180.00 now and one Works goes for around 200.00 and considering the breakdown time on the trail for when the strut breaks your out of commission, as well as labor. This to me is a wise investment for these buggies. Remember that these buggies were originally designed for the small kid to be driven around the house and not for us big kids in the woods. As compared to any of the top named off road vehicles the buggy besides being fun is so much more affordable . Most will say why would I invest 1000.00 in shocks on a 2000.00 buggy but won't think twice about spending this on a 5000.00 atv/utv their making payments on. The fact is the shock is one of the more important mods you can do. This is why in today's market most utv's and many atv's are using the premium shocks on their equipment. When I compare my buggy next to my son's buggy the money invested in the Works for my buggy more then paid for themselves over the 8 years. Adding to that, I can run 45+ mph on the trails with excellent control as compared to his 35 before he has to let off to keep control, my old neck and back take so muck less of a beating as well. The way I see it is I had taken a 2000.00 buggy, invested another 1000.00 but in doing so made it ride and handle more like a 5000.00 atv. Although I have one could say wasted boo koo dollars on my buggy (R&D)but in doing so I can without doubt tell you what will and what won't work on these buggies. Now back when I started with these buggies I had a real job that paid well and this business was a part time project for when I retired so I had the expendable income to do all of what I had done. But when plan A failed and I lost my job short of retirement and could not find another job this forced me to go full time with the business. The expendable income has deteriorated to where the R&D is a great expense. But I do believe that going the cheap route simply because I can afford it right now actually costs twice then if I wait and use the quality parts that prove to be effective. So you see if you look at expensive for what it is in present time it's expensive but if you spread it out over time you will find it to be cheap.