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Old 05-30-2014, 06:05 PM
BuggyLegend BuggyLegend is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 79
Unhappy AHHHH Crap -_-

OK so here's what I did. I thought I would start with the e-brake first so that I wouldn't have to really disassemble much, just loosen and tighten that one bolt/screw. (prepare to be humored by my ignorance.) initially I didn't realize that the brake pedal also clamped the rear disc (moron) I thought that disc only applied to the e-brake. After fiddling with the screw for a while I realized that the pedal had to influence it since there was a brake line leading to it. So at this point what we were doing was loosening and tightening the screw to find out how far IN the screw needed to go to make the e-brake work while not being so tight that there was drag. We decided the best way to do this was to jack up the rear so that the tires could spin most freely and see if we could feel a resistance. So we got that to a point I felt comfortable that the e-brake would still the buggy when activated but not cause any drag when deactivated. So from here I moved to the front brake system. Similar approach, we jacked up the front and gave each tire a spin (since they're not on the same axle like the rear) they spun around freely. So then we pushed in the brake, and gave each a spin, nothing happened, they continued to spin ENTIRELY unrestrained. So I followed your instruction, taking the pin out and removing the two rods. (Idk if its normal but one rod was poking out further than the other?) So I got a long bolt and pushed in on each piston. The left piston pushed in with little resistance and returned smoothly. (this is the side that the longer rod was in originally I believe.) However, I then tried to push in the right side cylinder and it wouldn't budge, maybe a centimer MAYBE, but it wasn't really going in or coming out. But it did appear to be all the way at "out" as in not pushed in very much into the master. I believe you were originally saying you thought it may be stuck in? I kinda feel like it may be stuck out? or maybe I just misunderstood. So recap: rear disc brake is working appropriately, e-brake is now functioning well, but front disc brakes are not working at all (not stopping front tires from moving) Left cylinder pushes in and returns out normally, i think, and right cylinders won't budge. Also as a last note, while I know next to NOTHING about it, I hear you can have air in your lines, which is bad of course. Well I took the reservoir lid off and looked in while I pushed in the cylinders individually and on the left, the one that actually moves, when I pushed it in and let it back out a couple of time a bubble came up through the hole. bad feelings all around. Thanks for all the help though, I really appreciate it and hope to hear something soon!