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Old 11-21-2014, 03:06 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Penciltucky
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Glad to see you're still lurking about --I know exactly what you're talking about -- when i put the buggy before home projects, the crap stacks up at an unbelievable rate. Sitting on 3 cars that were due for inspection in october, got 1 through and am working on the other two while driving them at the same time. Leaves are knee deep, firewood needs cut, split and stored, doors and windows need winterized ... then there's a pile of things to fix and sell ...

Don't know if you've looked at my latest project, but i scored a nice porsche 924 seat for free ... the "price" isn't the better deal with it, it's the width --18.5 inches, kind of an ideal size for a 1 or two seater. Given that the 924s are the ugly stepdog of the porsche family, finding one being parted out with seats for low cost might be easier than you think. The seat is pretty sweet too, if i didn't need it for the latest project, I'd put it in mine.

BTW, the SB came out really nice looking. While i like minilites, not to sure if those fit the look --period yes, but the SB lines and those .... hmmmm .... I know of one sitting outside an old garage the next town over .... just what i'd need LOL always had a soft spot for vws 1 beetle, 2 dashers--both diesel, a rabbit and a scirocco in my past ....

Last edited by x-bird; 11-21-2014 at 03:11 PM.