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Old 11-22-2014, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by SYCARMS View Post
13 into 40 = 3:08,16 into 31 = 1:94. Add the 2 together for a 5:02 total ratio. Now if running different tires for every 1" larger deduct 1 tooth off large sprocket, 1" smaller add 1 tooth. This is how I have been told to figure total ratio.

Not sure if it's add or multiply to get to the final ratio. Always thought it was multiply
either way, he was running 21s or 22s on the back instead of the stock 20s (which was the point of his "test") and if you look close, they're aired up pretty hard, likely putting them an inch oversize. This in turn puts his final sprocket gearing at 16-29 or 16-28. That change along with the uni air filter, and custom exhaust and carb rejet could put it into the upper 30s.