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Old 09-22-2015, 11:11 PM
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BEEFKING69 BEEFKING69 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Blountstown, Fl
Posts: 364

Ok power loss was broke intake valve that fixed...just for future reference changing springs with head still on motor is a bitch lol. But idle is still erratic...had it idled good then it just started getting lower and lower so had to keep adjusting idle screw higher and it sounds like its loading up.

Also tried different coils and CDIs....wiring is a mess on both electrical boxes on either :/ the HH does have something wrong with the electrical cause sometimes it charges and sometimes it dont....something to do with a relay under the dash.

Miamieddie can you post a pic of your exhaust you got from JD? i called a couple weeks ago and talked to him about them and as soon as i get some spare money im gonna have him build me 2 and i wanna see what they look like.

Last edited by BEEFKING69; 09-22-2015 at 11:25 PM.