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Old 04-24-2016, 08:30 AM
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ckau ckau is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default This is bullsh!t

Anybody using windows 10? My system bit the dust earlier in the week so I replaced my CPU. Everything now comes loaded with 10. Though there are some who think the latest and greatest is the best, I'm old school and prefer to replace items with something comparable that I know works for me. This windows 10 is a PITA! If you enjoy participation in social media, this is for you! But finding a basic spreadsheet or getting a email account transferred, Forget about it!!! There's 437 options that allow me to inform people when the last time I sat on the can! but set up a database? It's as though it encourages non production but rather steers people towards social media. I'm trying to transfer a solid works program and it's associated database. All kinds of options to share it but I just want to use it! I get a flag that pops up telling me I need a app to run it. I'm directed to a social media site to buy this app!
I had to jump through numerous hoops just to post his thread! No, I don't want to share it, I don't want link it ! and I don't care about getting a text the second someone reply's, I just want to use It! People need to pull their faces out of the phone, pay attention to driving? maybe walking straight? and being oblivious to the world around them and focus on getting some work done!
Thanks to buggy masters for allowing me this moment of rant!
Peace out....