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Old 07-08-2018, 10:06 PM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

Yea I got one ordered already will probably be here before I get the chance to tear it down anyway. Riding hard probably didn't help but I am thinking I should have given it more time to cure. That and I used the copper coat in the can instead of the spray on stuff. I don't like it but its what I had on hand so its what I used. Should have been watching for push out with that stuff. it probably pushed most of the way out when I was tightening everything down.
The gasket in that area is thin to begin with. will straight edge the area when I pull it off and make sure I don't have a gap on the case or the new jug. There shouldn't be but I don't want to have to do it again. Will also check the bolts and see if they backed off at all when I pull it apart.
Where there is a red neck there is a way.