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Old 04-06-2010, 12:48 AM
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BuggyMaster BuggyMaster is offline

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Here are some more update pics.

Here she sits on the middle of my now disasterous building. It amazes me at how quickly mahem sets in when doing something like this. You can see the battery mounted on the left side just behind the front fender. I'm happy I FINALLY found something to use this battery on. When I bought our HammerHead 400 Tiburon, the previous owner wouldn't spend the money on the correct battery and instead bought this beast and had it rigged into the HammerHead. Been sitting for a year and still good. Fits perfectly into the battery tray.

If you look behind the seat, you can see where I mounted the electronics. Really the only things that have to be mounted are the CDI box, the rectifier, and the solenoid which I used from our blown up scrambler just because it was easier to mount. Along the right side (when seated) is where the wiring is bunched up for the time being but I plan on relocating that by extending the harness that goes to the shifter lever. The coil had a limited length on the spark plug wire so it had to go along the right side as well and will likely stay there. Other wise, the wiring appears to be done.

One of the bigger challenges believe it or not was to get the paint matched. No way to get a hold of the original painters of this to ask them what paint is on it. After 5 cans of green paint that will likely never be used, I finally took a piece of metal with me to an auto paint shop and they did a remarkable job getting me a pretty correct color paint so I could pain the new motor mounts to match. The exhaust header is on but that will be dealt with in order to get it to the new muffler mounting position later. The oil tank is mounted and in place as well.

In these next two shots you can see the muffler in its hopefully permanent home. We also utilized the polaris radiator from our blown up scrambler. Just better suited for the job.

Lots more to be done. Still have to deal with the shifting (although I have a plan) and the throttle cable and a ton nic-nac items. I'll update again when I have more to update.