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Old 07-20-2010, 03:11 PM
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kliff kliff is offline

Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Grovetown, GA
Posts: 309

A little more today.... 3rd rear axle bearing addition, battery box deletion.

Horizontal versus verticle....time willl tell.

weight, Digger? Not adding much more now, a few plastic body panels, a light or 2. Nothing big nor heavy. Going for the finish now. If, at a later date, I need to extend the rear wheel bearings, so be it, I'll get 'er done. But for now, this little 165cc'er is heading for the home strip, after that, a thorough tear down, and paint..finis. Just a couple of weeks now.

Might have gotten more done today, but I ran out of 75/25 mix, picking up 2 160 cylinders tomorrow.

Just about got the engine clean enough to totally break down, after pulling the top end, just for a look see, had to re-assemble to clean before going forward....yeah, it was that BAD!

NCY head looks good... port match, some bowl work, and flashing trim under the valves, and we'll call the head ready to go.
Stock, domed 59mm piston, shimmed for proper deck, or 59mm shaved .030 and ported for turbo usage, is also a candidate, with the +2 crank...
eeni, meeni, mieni, moe.....only I'lll know for sho...LOL!
