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Old 08-05-2010, 03:39 PM
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supertoast92 supertoast92 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 103
Default such thing as perfect idle???

OK well since the thread I "hijacked" didn't seem to include the entire subject of the idle problems (well, more like annoyances than problems), I decided to start a new thread here. The kart runs great, just ordered that new muffler since the one I have is just about gutted, and a new starter since the current one is weakening. It's just the idle that's becoming my pet-peeve now. Here are some symptoms/annoyances I find related to the idle on the Helix:
  • Kart will not start cold unless I give it some gas. This is probably normal for many karts, though. I'm just what you call a semi-perfectionist...
  • Once started cold, the kart will not idle without sputtering out and stalling unless I give it a hearty bit of gas from the throttle for at least 10 seconds. Then if I get lucky, it will idle but at a very low rpm.
  • Idle in general seems to be a bit shaky and unsteady, especially when engine is cold. Again, this is probably normal but I would love to get it fixed if possible (and if it's a cheap or even free solution)
  • Sometimes the idle seems fine when I stop, but after sitting for 10 seconds or so it decides to rocket up into the engaged clutch zone. Mostly happened before when I only fiddled with the idle stop screw rather than the air mixture screw.
  • And now since I just recently realized there was more than the throttle screw I could play with I'm trying to find the ideal setting for the air mixture screw. Just started fiddling with it about a month ago.

Bascially I'm trying to find the perfect adjustment that would let me brake to a stop without the kart stalling and without me having to "spoon-feed" the kart with the throttle, whether cold or hot. Probably not an easy thing to do without paying for aftermarket parts, though.