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Old 03-08-2018, 04:33 PM
neo71665 neo71665 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 284

I have the 230 cca battery in mine. Sorry it took a bit I had doctor appts all day.

So far I've swapped the factory lights out with 18 watt led pods, I have a lighted whip, and running a 1500lb winch. The battery has kept up fine to date. I do plan on putting a 19 inch single row bar light on the roof but it's not gonna be for long term use. I will say if you go with the harbor freight winch with wireless control put some disconnect on either the winch or whole buggy. That wireless draws power even when not in use and if you don't run it every other day or so it will suck a battery down. Frankly I suggest putting in a hardwired toggle switch to control the winch anyways. You can then leave the wireless (still run a disconnect) or just do away with the wireless. There are a few tutorials on youtube on how to hardwire it. Just requires a double throw switch and 3 wires.

On my intake I do have to run an intake spacer to jump it over the tube. My intake tube was trimmed down in correlation with the manifold length and it seems to run fine. Matter of fact I have 24 inch tires on the rear and those are supposed to dog the engine down. They are the factory take offs of my honda 4 wheeler (barely any grip when new/they 1/2 tread now) and the little engine has no problem breaking them loose. I like where the powerband is right now I don't want to try to redo it. When my new tires come in (23 inch dirt devils) I might have to redo it all to get it back like it runs now. I'm a gearhead so half the fun is tuning but from what I read every one of these engines react differently. There is a rough base that works universally (intake, exhaust, weights) but the fine tuning is different.

Last edited by neo71665; 03-08-2018 at 05:00 PM.
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