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Old 08-08-2018, 05:00 PM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

I agree you don't get service from eBay or Amazon. When I'm buying a part a couple of things come into play.

First is this an important part i e engines or the variator or something like that if it is I'm going to look for a reputable seller selling good quality and then compare prices

We've all seen the guy that has the same part at half the price but is it truly the same quality and quality does matter.

Now if it's a consumable part quality plays a little smaller role but it's not entirely out of the picture because apart can be consumable but a cheap one you'll consume at three times the rate as a good quality one and therefore end up paying the same price as a good quality one

Well some people will say yes but I spend less money right now the reality is you're spending more because you're having to put your time into replacing that cheaper quality part three times instead of just once.

And don't get me started on the knock-offs that look like the real thing but are not the same quality.

I completely understand the need for businesses to do a markup I consider it a convenience fee.

Just like I consider it completely normal 4 the supporting vendors price to be a little higher they don't have to help here but they do and I'm willing to pay for that.

It's when the convenience fee is way too high when I go to the internet.
Where there is a red neck there is a way.