Thread: to far to push
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:34 AM's Avatar is offline

Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: henryetta,oklahoma
Posts: 121
Default to far to push

yesterday was an eventfull day we were way back on the back of the property cutting trees and brush out for new trail and when lunch started calling and we tried leaving our carbide shocked us every time you gave it gas it booged down as if it were running out of gas tried everything it had gas all was plugged in tried with fuel cap off thinking water in fuel i dumped the tank since it was so far to the truck we put the chainsaw fuel in mind you it didnt have much oil in it and it barely pulled out to the truck we dumped the tank again and put fresh fuel in with the same result. before i could say anything my son while im trying to feather the pedal and get it past the dying point hits the carb (omg) and the darn thing straightened right up guess he scared it since he had a hammer also ( new filter and seafoam ) and yes we did go back to blast that trail with plaesure. But considering thier is a filter on the bottom of the tank on that piece and an inline filter how does trash get to the carb