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Old 10-01-2018, 11:59 PM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

Don't get me wrong I have done things the redneck way plenty of times but usually only to get me home or get through the day.

Once you get it home you rip it apart and redo it right.
It can still be a red neck fix but it needs to be as good or better than it was originally.

Welds need to be solid and look good not look like an epileptic did the welding job.

I am not a good welder. My welds will hold but they are thick and they are ugly. The angle grinder is my close friend.

The price wasn't bad at $400 but when I realized I was going to have to cut off pretty much the whole rear end and find a motor with everything for it I realized that the job was way bigger than I am ready to get into and way out of my price range to complete anytime soon.

I always have to keep my wife's rule in mind.
Projects are ok as long as she can see progress being made.
If it sits and nothing happens it will get termed a piece of junk and she will hound me till I get rid of it.

This would have been sitting a while with very little to no progress.
So I decided to wait till a better condition one comes along.
Where there is a red neck there is a way.
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