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Old 03-28-2012, 08:45 PM
rich1 rich1 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 184

Cost at what cost ?Justified ? Bad shocks ruin everything I went thru 3 sets,along the way, bent spindles ,worn tie rods , damaged bearings, bent axles and ruined rack and pinions .Since I got the Works shocks front and rear nothing suspension wise has broke ! So it depends on what you are used to ., If Honda made a buggy ( they were looking into it but China lowballed them ) it would have a good motor , good handling and great suspension, but would cost $ 7 to 10k. Yeah the old ..Speed costs money.. how fast do you want to go ? Race improves the breed...its true.I once asked if there was any Racing Chapters for these things , I got laughed at.Now i know why! The Buggies that i have seen so far i would waste money to race. Why? The quality of the parts are not up to the task. I spent several months looking for a rubber bellows set for my rack and pinion. I had 2 sets rot off over the winter finally replaced with Hammerhead ones .If you cant get better parts you risk youre life on inferior ones ! My Dazon came with decent parts except the shocks. So now Ive been selecting the best parts that other brands have to offer. Hammerhead rear axle ,stronger ,lighter. Front end parts Kinrode.But thats where the aftermarket comes in sort of ...or short of. Is it right to spend $1,000 dollars on shocks for a $4,000 dollar buggy.Most likely depends on youre driving skill or youre wallet !